7 Ways to Stay Healthy While You Wait for Optimal Fertility Days

If your periods are regular and you’ve figured out the time you ovulate then you might already know the optimum time to conceive is those few days before you ovulate. Sperm lives up to five days in the female body and planning intercourse those few days prior to ovulation offers the best chance for conception. […]
How to Know It’s Time to Seek Professional Fertility Guidance
When you’re trying to conceive and it just isn’t happening you may question your fertility. And as you consider the future fate of your ability to conceive you may wonder if it’s time you and your partner seek professional fertility guidance. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, experts recommend an infertility evaluation […]
8 Ways You Can Boost Your Fertility
After months of trying without success, you’re willing to try just about anything to increase your odds for conception. Naturally you should schedule a fertility evaluation with your doctor, but there are some things you can do that will boost your fertility naturally. Here’s our list of 8 medically approved ways you can boost your […]
Top 10 Fertility Misconceptions
When you’re trying to conceive without success it can be difficult to know what to do. Even the so-called internet experts and websites inundate you with false information and half-truths some of the time. Wading through the misconceptions about conception only makes you feel more confused and often hopeless. The only source of factual information […]
Stress and IVF: How to Combat It
Anxiety and stress are common emotions during any pregnancy. It seems as though you and your partner are in constant “worry mode.” Will the baby be ok? Will you be able to handle childbirth? Are you financially and emotionally ready to raise your child? These and many other concerns go round and round in your […]
Adenomyosis. Does It Impact Fertility?
Adenomyosis is a condition that impacts the lives of as many as one-third of child-bearing aged women in the US, although some reports state as many as 70% of all women may have this excruciating condition. Adenomyosis presents with symptoms that include painful, heavy periods, abnormally lengthy periods, pronounced pelvic pain and painful intercourse. Adenomyosis […]
How Strength Training Affects Fertility
Strength training is a healthy fitness trend that’s really taken off in recent years. This form of exercise uses resistance to tone muscles and improve strength and endurance. You can incorporate the use of resistance bands, use isometrics and even plyometrics (jump training) but most people associate strength training with lifting weights. If you incorporate […]
Can Exercise Help Me on My Fertility Journey
Exercise is as much a part of your health and wellness as diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. A brisk walk or bike ride, cardio kickboxing, yoga and strength-training are all great ways to get in shape and manage stress. But what about exercise during your fertility journey? Can it help? Will it interfere with […]
Fibroids and Their Impact on Fertility
Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous (benign) tumors that grow in the uterus. A fibroid occurs when a single muscle cell in the uterine wall multiplies and grows and forms a benign tumor. Uterine fibroids are common and affect 20% of women who are childbearing age. Within the African American community fibroids are two to four times […]
Low Sperm Count and Treatment Options
Infertility is the condition whereby a man and woman are unable to conceive naturally. In the US infertility affects 13% of couples with one third attributed to male factor infertility. Without the intervention of a fertility specialist, there is a very low likelihood of conception. Male factor infertility means a man is unable to impregnate […]