10 Tests to Diagnose Infertility in Women
Infertility is a common issue for couples and individuals in the US. In fact, according to the Office on Women’s Health roughly 6.1 million women in the US deal with infertility (about 10%) during their reproductive years. Doctors identify infertility as an inability to conceive after 12 months or more of unprotected intercourse. For women […]
Subtle Signs of Female Infertility
Many couples and individuals don’t suspect infertility until they try to conceive. Months and months of unprotected intercourse that doesn’t result in pregnancy raises suspicions. For those over 35, six consecutive months of trying to conceive with no result should prompt concern. Under 35? Twelve consecutive months of unprotected sex and no pregnancy should prompt […]
10 Symptoms of Infertility
According to studies by the NIH, 15-20% of couples in the US experience infertility. It’s usually linked to a variety of factors, female factor, male factor, a combination, or unknown reasons. While the diagnosis of infertility is frustrating, today’s assisted reproductive technology offers hope. The signs and symptoms experienced by some couples are most often […]
8 Warning Signs You Could Be Suffering from Fertility Issues
Most people don’t consider fertility until they want to start a family. Suddenly what seemed easy is a challenge. Month after month, to no avail, you schedule intercourse around the ideal time for conception and then your period arrives right on time and you sigh in frustration. Sound familiar? According to The National Infertility Association […]