It’s no secret that fertility treatment is costly. But for roughly 12% of couples in the US, it remains a necessary path to grow their families. Quality fertility treatment provides access to all of the latest medical and scientific knowledge, assisted reproductive technology, and other treatments under the guidance of a highly qualified doctor. But it doesn’t come cheap!
Successful fertility treatments in L.A. come at a high cost, it’s true, however, there remain plenty of myths and untruths surrounding information regarding the costs. And there are over a few charlatans whose main objective is to take your money with very little concern for your treatment. All of this at a time when you are profoundly overwhelmed.
Understanding the Costs of Fertility Treatments in L.A.
Here we aim to arm you with correct information so that you make an informed decision about your fertility treatments in L.A. and surrounding areas. Your own bottom line is dependent on your diagnosis and circumstances. Treatment costs vary. Below we break down the costs, myths, and realities just for you.
Before your doctor discusses any treatment options with you, they perform testing so the diagnosis is clear. First up? A comprehensive health history, followed by a physical examination and blood tests. From there, your doctor may perform ultrasounds on both partners, sperm analysis, and other non-invasive tests. From there, you may advance to more costly surgical procedures or in-depth imaging. As you may imagine, these tests begin at the lower end of the cost spectrum and increase as they progress.
Testing costs typically range from $500-$5,000.
Fertility Medications
Again, depending on your diagnosis your doctor may start you on a course of medication. These hormone-based meds increase egg production, other medications regulate the timing of ovulation, and others help prepare the uterus for implantation.
Out-of-pocket costs vary, but the average cost for these medications, hovers around $2,000-$6,000.
Intrauterine insemination involves inserting your partner’s sperm (or donor sperm) directly into the uterine cavity. This procedure enhances the opportunity for fertilization. IUI is pretty straightforward and, thus, less costly than other fertility treatments in L.A. However, IUI is a specific treatment for specific diagnoses. Not everyone with fertility issues benefits from IUI.
The per-treatment cost for IUI falls anywhere from $500-$3,000.
When discussing costs for IVF with those not medically qualified, you’re sure to hear several different opinions. Rest assured, your doctor’s opinion is the one you should trust. IVF is a process that occurs in cycles. You’ll begin with all of the proper testing and initial consultation. Next comes ovarian stimulation with the above-mentioned medications.
As you progress toward ovulation, you’ll attend ultrasound appointments to monitor progress. Then, egg retrieval under sedation and typically in-office. Next, the lab fertilizes your eggs with your partner’s sperm (or donor sperm if necessary), then preimplantation genetic testing if you so choose, then embryo transfer. These are the major cost factors in your IVF bottom line for each cycle. Again, your IVF cycle and the accompanying costs depend on your diagnosis.
Each IVF cycle costs an average of $12,000-$18,000. Be aware you may require more than one cycle to conceive.
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
In some cases of male infertility, ICSI proves successful. The procedure involves fertilization by injecting sperm directly into the egg. ICSI accompanies IVF, if warranted.
ICSI costs fall between $1,500-$2,500 in most cases.
Pre-implantation Genetic Testing (PGT)
PGT screens embryos before transfer for any number go genetic abnormalities. Some of these conditions may cause failure to implant, miscarriage, stillbirth, or severe birth defects. Testing for the healthiest embryos helps lead to a successful pregnancy.
Depending on the number of embryos tested, PGT ranges from $5,500-$7,500.
Donor Eggs
Some females don’t produce eggs or produce non-viable eggs, or the parents are a same-sex male couple. In this instance, your doctor recommends the use of donor eggs with IVF. Using donor eggs increases the cost of IVF, and, depending on the donor, the fees involved cover screening, compensation, and egg retrieval. If you use an anonymous donor your doctor recommends a reputable agency.
Using anonymous donor eggs (as opposed to those harvested from a family member or friend) ranges between $12,000-$18,000.
Donor Sperm
In about 20% of cases of infertility, the issue is with the male partner. In many of these cases, also in the case of a same-sex female couple, successful pregnancy depends on a sperm donor. Costs vary depending on whether you opt for an anonymous donor or a friend or family member.
Costs for donor sperm average $1,000-$3,000. Shipping may add to the cost.
Gestational Carrier
If the female partner can’t carry a pregnancy or the intended parents are a same-sex male couple, you may require a gestational carrier. This person has no biological ties to the baby and serves as the carrier only. Legal counsel assists with the contract with your gestational carrier, and the intended parents cover all costs, including medical expenses, legal fees, carrier compensation, and agency fees.
As you may imagine, gestational carriers are on the higher end of the cost for fertility treatments in L.A., and surrounding areas. Expect to pay between $90,000-$160,000 for a gestational carrier.
Find Out More
These costs merely state an average and are by no means exact. For more information on the cost of fertility treatments in L.A., Glendale, Long Beach, Santa Monica, Culver City, Pasadena, and the greater Los Angeles area, contact LA IVF today.