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Category: Male Infertility

Does Being Obese Interfere with Fertility?

Obesity is a major health concern in the U.S. The obesity rate for Americans ages 15 and over is a staggering 42.4%. Researchers predict that number will creep past 50% in the next decade. And with it any related and potentially life-limiting conditions such as hypertension, diabetes and heart disease. You already know the list […]

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My Sister Has Infertility, Am I At Risk?

Infertility is a personal crisis, typically between a committed couple who are trying to conceive without success. They follow the course and have all the tests and get to the bottom of their inability to conceive. The specialist then comes up with the treatment best suited for the patient and their partner.   The Common […]

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Could My Male Factor Infertility be Genetic?

Trying to conceive is a lot harder than it seems sometimes. Although the human race continues, it’s surprising how many things have to go right in order to become pregnant. One of the roadblocks to conception is male factor infertility. When your male partner’s sperm count is low, motility is off or there’s something not […]

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Severe Male Factor Infertility: What Are Your Options?

Anticipating the growth of your family is exciting but trying to conceive without success is a frustrating experience. After one year of consistent intercourse (six months for women over 35) and no pregnancy, it’s probably time to check both partners’ fertility. Infertility impacts about 15% of couples of reproductive age. Your fertility can be compromised […]

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How much is too much: Exercise and Fertility

Everyone knows being active and having a regular, healthy way to blow off steam is beneficial in many ways. Working out not only improves your physical health but aids in maintaining a positive attitude. Consistent exercise makes you stronger, more resilient and less likely to succumb to chronic conditions later in life. Exercise and a […]

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Sperm Testing Questions Answered

When a couple is trying to conceive (6 months or longer of intercourse without birth control + female age over 35) but not having any success it’s time to get tested. Both partners must be tested as infertility can be a combination of male and female factors. For women, depending in the symptoms, there are […]

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Does Ibuprofen Really Affect Male Fertility

Over-the-counter pain relievers are of great benefit to many individuals. They are typically non-habit forming, work well to relieve common aches and pains and reduce fever. Headaches, menstrual cramps, pulled muscles and back pain can all be made easier by taking this non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). Taking the recommended dose of ibuprofen (200-400 mg every […]

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7 Facts My Husband Needs to Know About Fertility Testing

If you suspect you are experiencing infertility in your quest to have a child, the best way to get the answers you need is through fertility testing. Infertility is identified as the inability to become pregnant after one year of carefully timed, unprotected intercourse. The duration of attempting to conceive for women over the age […]

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6 Issues That Cause Infertility

Depending on reproductive age, 10-40 percent of women in the US have difficulty getting-and staying-pregnant. Infertility is described as the inability to conceive after 12 months of unprotected intercourse for women less than age 35, and 6 months for those women over 35. The good news is that a growing number of women are able […]

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8 Foods That Can Help Increase Your Partner’s Sperm Count

The average ejaculation introduces 50 million sperm into your vagina. Of those millions only a few thousand make it into the fallopian tube. Those few hundred release an enzyme that clears the way for one sperm to swim all the way up the tube and fertilize the waiting egg. The fertilized egg then makes its […]

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