5 Infertility Treatment Challenges & Solutions

Trying to conceive with no success creates challenges for many couples and individuals. If after 12 consecutive months of unprotected intercourse you haven’t conceived (six months for females over the age of 35) you should schedule an appointment for a fertility assessment. The forthcoming diagnosis itself presents a challenge. Should your doctor determine you are […]
What is ERA and Do I Need It?
There is no doubt each and every IVF journey is a unique one. Some fortunate couples achieve pregnancy after one or two IVF cycles. And for others it may take a few more tries before pregnancy occurs. Sometimes there are more than a few IVF cycles and still no success. When that happens, it is […]
Multiple IVF Failures: What Are the Next Steps?
Currently, IVF is the most successful infertility treatment available and the answer to overcoming many of the causes of infertility. In a controllably precise process your doctor stimulates the growth of multiple eggs using medication and then harvests the eggs. The lab fertilizes your viable eggs using your partner’s (or donor) sperm. Embryos develop and […]
Can Chinese Herbal Medicine Boost My Fertility?
An inability to get pregnant on your own is usually connected to an underlying condition. With the intervention of a fertility specialist and a course of treatment, many couples go on to conceive, either through a few courses of fertility medication, surgery or a procedure such as IVF. Today more and more physicians are incorporating […]
Should We Take a Break From Trying To Conceive
When you’re actively trying to conceive, whether you’ve been diagnosed with infertility and are going through treatment, or you’re months into trying to conceive naturally, lack of success can take a serious toll. Each negative pregnancy test, each time your period begins, every time you open social media to see a pregnancy announcement, you dissolve […]
6 Issues That Cause Infertility
Depending on reproductive age, 10-40 percent of women in the US have difficulty getting-and staying-pregnant. Infertility is described as the inability to conceive after 12 months of unprotected intercourse for women less than age 35, and 6 months for those women over 35. The good news is that a growing number of women are able […]
Getting A Second Opinion for Infertility and IVF
When you receive a diagnosis of infertility the news can be devastating. For so long you imagined having children would be a simple endeavor and with the news that you or your partner have compromised fertility all of that becomes significantly more complicated. You need some time to digest your diagnosis and investigate your options. […]
Failed IVF? Ask an Expert
A failed IVF cycle can be devastating, and disheartening, for many. Certainly, it is a big financial commitment but, moreover, IVF requires a huge investment of time, heart, and hope. When your investment results in a failed IVF attempt you likely re-evaluate your next steps toward conceiving a child. The Reality of IVF to […]
Dr. Bayrak’s Approach to Complex Infertility Cases at LA IVF
Infertility is defined as an inability to become pregnant after a man and woman attempt to conceive for one year, through intercourse without the use of birth control. Infertility affects up to 15% of couples who try for one year in the late 20s and early 30s but the rate is higher in late 30s […]
Failed IVF Can Be Devastating. Here’s What To Do Next
A failed IVF can be devastating for you and your partner. You may feel lost, at loose ends, and profoundly depressed. But, you aren’t quite ready to give up your dream of growing your family. What’s next for you and your partner? Every couple, or individual, forges a different path when dealing with infertility treatments. […]