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Category: Coping with Infertility

Advanced Reproductive Surgery Questions, Answered

Advanced reproductive surgery is highly specialized and minimally invasive. Through the use of a laparoscope, your doctor assesses and addresses any abnormalities of the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus. The primary goal of advanced reproductive surgery is to repair any same to those reproductive organs and restore normal function. With advanced reproductive surgery the laparoscopic […]

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4 Topics to Discuss As a Couple Before Moving Forward with IVF

When you undergo treatment for infertility in order to conceive there are so many decisions and factors along the way. And it can be taxing even if the journey is a relatively smooth one. Going through the experience with a partner may take a toll on your relationship. That’s why it’s best you discuss things […]

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How to Respond to “When Are You Having a Baby?”

You know the scene; you’re at a gathering of family and friends when someone asks aloud “So when are you going to have a baby” and you feel the sucker punch in the gut. Of course, the inquisitor intends no ill will and likely has no idea of your struggles to conceive. They’re simply asking […]

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