Should You Avoid Sports During Fertility Treatment
People participate in sports for many different reasons. Competition can be a fun way to challenge yourself to do better, athletic endeavors offer a great way to stay fit, and slamming a tennis ball over the net or making that perfect drive onto the green just feels good. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or weekend […]
Don’t forget about Self Care for Body, Mind, and Soul During Fertility Treatment
Taking care of yourself, mind, body, and soul is always essential to a healthy life. This type of holistic self-care is never more important to your personal well being than when you are going through treatment for infertility. It’s widely known that stressors of all kinds-emotional, physical, spiritual-take a toll on health. There’s a direct […]
Getting Through Family Functions While Undergoing Treatment for Infertility
When you’re going through treatment for infertility it seems as though every encounter is fraught with emotion. Feelings of vulnerability and a looming sense of “what if?” make even a trip to the grocery store feel like you’re navigating a minefield of feelings. Family gatherings are nearly impossible to endure without needing a moment to […]
Should We Take a Break From Trying To Conceive
When you’re actively trying to conceive, whether you’ve been diagnosed with infertility and are going through treatment, or you’re months into trying to conceive naturally, lack of success can take a serious toll. Each negative pregnancy test, each time your period begins, every time you open social media to see a pregnancy announcement, you dissolve […]
Just What Is Secondary Infertility?
For couples who have had no trouble conceiving and have experienced a successful pregnancy, secondary infertility can come as somewhat of a shock. Having conceived one or more times before you may anticipate the next time will follow suit. When conception fails to occur naturally, you grow concerned. Many women feel a sense of confusion […]
Could This Be Menopause? Knowing the Signs of Premature Menopause
When you think of menopause, you probably conjure up the image of a 50-something woman dealing with mood swings and fanning herself while those round her shiver. Although hot flashes and hormone-fueled moodiness are hallmarks of menopause, it sometimes strikes way before you expect it to affect you. Premature menopause is defined as menopause which […]
What You Can Do to Minimize Ovulation Dysfunction
The term “Ovulatory Dysfunction” covers many different conditions which cause abnormal ovulation. Women who are diagnosed with ovulation dysfunction experience irregular ovulation, or ovulation that occurs rarely, or no ovulation at all. Although this diagnosis can be extremely frustrating when you’re trying to conceive, more often than not there is an easy fix. For any […]
Tubal Reversal – Are You a Candidate?
Tubal ligation, or “having your tubes tied”, is one of the most popular forms of sterilization in the United States. Slightly greater than 25 percent of women who are of childbearing age opt for this method to prevent pregnancy. Tubal ligation is a relatively simple procedure in which a small incision is made into the […]
Getting A Second Opinion for Infertility and IVF
When you receive a diagnosis of infertility the news can be devastating. For so long you imagined having children would be a simple endeavor and with the news that you or your partner have compromised fertility all of that becomes significantly more complicated. You need some time to digest your diagnosis and investigate your options. […]
Navigating Your IVF Journey – Your Checklist Part 2
At this point in your IVF journey the appropriate tests have been performed and you and your fertility specialist have set a course for your IVF cycle. Your ovulation has been charted and recorded on your individual calendar and you will be prescribed medication that will aid your ovaries in producing several mature eggs at […]