Calculating your fertile window isn’t difficult, providing you have a regular cycle. The fertile window consists of those days in a female menstrual cycle when there’s a possibility for conception. That window includes the day of ovulation and the five days preceding. When you have unprotected intercourse in that window you have the best odds for conception.
For those females with irregular menstrual cycles predicting the best fertility days is a bit trickier. There are signs of imminent ovulation and observing the signs for a few months may help you zero in on your fertile window. Let’s discuss calculating your fertility days and answer the most frequently asked questions for you.
1. What Exactly is Ovulation
During their reproductive years, a female, born with all of the eggs they ever have stored in their ovaries, releases a mature and viable egg once per month. This is ovulation. In some cases, there may be occasions when the ovaries release more than one egg. On other occasions, the egg may not be viable for conception, or the ovary may not release an egg.
On average a female ovulates midway between the first day of their period and the first day of the next period. So, for someone with a 28-day cycle ovulation typically occurs around day 14 but within a frame of day 12-16. But this isn’t always the case. That’s when you look for some signs of ovulation.
2. What Are The Signs I’m Ovulating
Signs of ovulation range from subtle to obvious and include:
- A twinge or sometimes dull pain on one side in your pelvic region.
- A vaginal discharge that’s thicker and more mucus-like than normal. Comparable to an egg white.
- The onset of premenstrual symptoms such as breast tenderness, bloating, mood swings and food cravings.
- An increase in libido (sex drive).
- A slight elevation in your basal body temperature.
3. What is An Ovulation Predictor Kit?
An ovulation predictor kit measures the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) in your urine. The results indicate when to expect ovulation, usually within the next 24 to 36 hours. These kits are easy to use. They include several test strips or sticks which you hold under your urine stream
like a pregnancy test. Ovulation predictor kits have a 97% accuracy rate in predicting ovulation.
4. What is A Fertility Calculator?
A fertility calculator helps determine the most likely time ovulation occurs. You enter some basic information regarding your menstrual cycle and the fertility calculator provides a span of days for conception success. These calculators come in apps for your device or online through the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office on Women’s Health. They aren’t as exact as an ovulation predictor kit as they only measure the likely days for ovulation.
5. Can I Ovulate Without Having a Period?
Since the egg releases 12-16 days before the onset of a period it is possible for ovulation without the following period. For some females with underlying conditions that interfere with menstruation such as anorexia, very low BMI, breastfeeding, perimenopause, ovulation may occur at any point. Then again, the absence of periods may indicate a hormonal condition like anovulation. This is a condition in which ovulation does not occur. Make an appointment with your doctor if you suspect anovulation.
6. If I Have Regular Periods I’m Ovulating Right?
Technically you only menstruate after ovulation. However, some females have a condition known as anovulatory bleeding. This occurs when the lining of the uterus sheds without ovulation.
Typically, anovulatory bleeding isn’t regular like a period may be. Also, the bleeding may be lighter or significantly heavier than a normal period. The duration typically differs as well. Those females experiencing anovulatory bleeding may not suspect an issue but if you bleed with no signs of ovulation contact your doctor.
7. Why Are My Fertility Days Before Ovulation and Not After?
During ovulation your egg stays in the fallopian tube for 12-24 hours. After that, the possibility for fertilization diminishes. However, sperm lives in the body for up to five days after unprotected intercourse so your best opportunity begins about a week before you ovulate.
8. What Can I Do, If I’m Not Ovulating?
If you suspect you’re not ovulating or you’ve tried to conceive for 12 consecutive months (six months for females over 35) with no success please contact LA IVF. We help couples and individuals dealing with infertility find ways for growing their family. Our team of professionals dedicate themselves to your care.
For more information on treatment for infertility including the latest in advanced reproductive technology please reach out to LA IVF. We look forward to journeying with you.