Trying to conceive with no success creates challenges for many couples and individuals. If after 12 consecutive months of unprotected intercourse you haven’t conceived (six months for females over the age of 35) you should schedule an appointment for a fertility assessment. The forthcoming diagnosis itself presents a challenge.
Should your doctor determine you are infertile the next challenge you’ll face? Finding the right fertility doctor and clinic and pursuing treatment for infertility. You and your partner are about to begin the journey of a lifetime. This journey presents some challenges, but rest assured the right clinic has solutions. Here are the five most common infertility treatment challenges and solutions that make the journey possible.
Top 5 Infertility Treatment Challenges & Solutions
In your desire for a child, you’ve invested all you have physically and quite often, financially. But, by far your biggest investment is your heart. You’ve already faced the challenge of infertility and accepted your diagnosis head-on. Now you’re ready for whatever it takes to conceive and carry your baby. There may be more than a few hurdles along your path but there are solutions.
1. The Challenge of Age
Age affects fertility for both partners however the age of the female partner presents a far bigger challenge. A female’s age is the single biggest factor affecting ability to conceive, carry to term and deliver a healthy child.
You already know a female has all of their eggs at birth. That means from puberty to menopause females have a finite number of opportunities for conception. As you age, your eggs diminish in quantity and quality. Beginning around age 30 female fertility begins a decline. By mid-30s the decline picks up speed and the closer to menopause the faster the decline.
Ovarian reserve diminishes with age, and the viability of the eggs diminishes as well. That means there is a higher risk for congenital defects after age 35. Male fertility declines around age 45. Age of the male partner affects the time it takes for conception as well as an increase in the risk for miscarriage and developmental disorders.
Solutions to the Fertility Challenge of Age
Both males and females benefit from assisted reproductive medicine, even if age is the issue. Of course, every challenge is unique and require solutions tailored to your needs. That being said, IVF with preimplantation genetic testing offers an excellent way for overcoming the effects of age. Those with severely diminished ovarian reserve may consider donor eggs and males with sperm viability issues related to age may consider a sperm donor.
2. Previous Vasectomy or Tubal Ligation
Those who’ve undergone a surgical form of birth control/sterilization sometimes reconsider. If you’ve had a tubal ligation (fallopian tubes “tied”) or vasectomy and would like more children, you may be a candidate for a reversal procedure.
Solution to Surgical Sterilization
During a vasectomy the surgeon cuts and seals the vas deferens tubes that carry sperm from testicles to semen. When you decide on a reversal of your vasectomy a surgeon simply re-attaches the tubes. Success rates for pregnancy following a vasectomy reversal? According to the CDC the median rate is about 78%.
Depending on the procedure for tubal ligation, if enough of the fallopian tubes remain intact, your doctor may re-attach them. Your doctor then injects dye into your uterus ensuring the dye flows through your tubes. If your doctor cannot reverse your tubal ligation you may consider IVF.
3. Emotional Challenges of Infertility Treatment
As we said earlier, you give everything you have to your treatment in hopes of a successful outcome. That being the case your emotions take a rollercoaster ride. When you begin treatment, your doctor prescribes hormonal medication that alone causes emotional upheaval, much like a very intense bout of PMS. Add to that the fear your treatment won’t work, depression, anxiety, grief over your diagnosis, jealousy of friends who seemingly conceive with ease, isolation and feeling as though you and your partner are alone in your journey.
Solution to Emotional Challenges
The best thing you can do is talk about your feelings. Talk to each other or ask your clinic for a referral to a counselor specifically for those going through infertility and treatment. Join a support community online or in-person. These groups identify with your journey. Talk with a trusted friend or family member. Get away for a weekend and enjoy each other’s company. Here are some ideas for surviving the emotional challenges of infertility treatment.
4. Failed IVF Cycle
Sometimes IVF isn’t successful the first time around or even the second. When that happens it’s important to take time to acknowledge and grieve the loss before you move on.
Solution to Failed IVF Cycle
Discuss your options with your doctor. There are some steps you may consider should you pursue another cycle or investigate third-party options.
5. Financial Challenges and Solutions
Now let’s speak to the elephant in the room, shall we? Infertility treatment is expensive. Depending on your state of residence and your insurer, your insurance may cover some of the costs. If not there are other ways; benefits and grants through nonprofits, discounts in medications through pharmacy programs and special loans available for IVF. In other words, please don’t let the costs scare you away from treatment for your infertility.
For more on how you can overcome the challenges of infertility treatment and find solutions contact LA IVF today.