If you’re preparing for an IVF cycle, you’re no doubt well aware of the stress that goes with such a procedure. But, of course, your commitment to the journey to have your child is strong. Keeping your stress at bay and helping the process along sounds impossible but when you make yoga a daily practice you may do just that.
Yoga is an ancient discipline that’s far more than just stretching for exercise. Each yoga posture conveys a holistic message to your body. Yoga has plenty of science-based benefits, such as:
- Improves flexibility
- Strengthens lower back
- Enhances heart health
- Improves posture
- Eases anxiety
- Helps manage stress
- Lowers blood pressure
- Helps reduce inflammation
- Improves sleep
- Forges a mind-body connection
- Many more benefits
Not only that but, according to a study published by the NIH, yoga improves assisted reproduction technology (like IVF) outcomes in couples with infertility. That’s quite a feat wouldn’t you say? Here’s what you need to know about yoga and IVF success.
Why Yoga?
When you undergo an IVF cycle, your doctor advises against certain exercises, especially prior to egg retrieval. That’s because you’re at increased risk for damage to your ovaries, which enlarge due to the medication that increases egg maturation. You must avoid any strenuous exercise that involves twisting, turning and taxing your body.
Yoga’s more gentle postures, especially when tempered for those going through an IVF cycle, are much easier on your body. And yoga is something just about everyone can do no matter your fitness level. The added bonus? Mindfulness that is so much a part of the discipline helps you relieve stress and anxiety. A relaxed mind leads to a relaxed body which is much more receptive to implantation. Yoga and IVF truly go together well.
Benefits of Yoga Before, During and After IVF
As we saw above there are many benefits to a regular yoga practice. During IVF those benefits apply in many ways. Here is why Yoga and IVF should go together for you.
Yoga is Completely Safe
With your doctor’s approval and abiding by a practice specifically for females going through IVF cycles, yoga is completely safe. Like many exercises yoga increases both oxygenation and blood flow. That means more oxygen-rich blood going to your reproductive system. Continue yoga during your pregnancy for more flexibility and pelvic floor strength necessary during the birthing process.
Increase the Odds for Your IVF Success
As evidenced by the NIH article, Yoga increases IVF success. The combination of increased blood flow to the pelvic region, reduction in anxiety and stress management promote healthier reproduction and fertility function. So, yes, yoga does improve the outcome for those going through IVF.
Boosts Immunity and Reduces Inflammation
In addition to improved flexibility and leaner, stronger muscles yoga increases stamina (Great for both the birthing process and parenting!) and helps strengthen your immune system. Because of the improved circulation of oxygen-rich blood, your body fights off illness to keep you and, eventually, your baby healthy. For those dealing with inflammatory conditions, like PCOS or certain autoimmune diseases yoga reduces inflammation.
Consistent Stress Management
Stress is present in most people’s lives. And many of us simply cope in ways we see fit. One of the most important benefits of yoga? Healthy stress management. This is important for everyone as stress negatively impacts such chronic conditions as hypertension, heart disease, diabetes and auto-immune diseases.
When it comes to your fertility, stress has a direct impact on both male and female reproduction. The breathwork, meditative and mindful application of yoga and the mind-body connection work together at managing your stress and easing your anxiety. The benefits linger long after you get up off the yoga mat.
Since yoga helps both male and female partners it’s important to practice together.
Helps You Cope with Disappointment
Not all IVF cycles end in success. The disappointment of failed IVF is devastating. But you may find yoga helpful in managing the heartbreak and disappointment of failed IVF. In fact a study published by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine confirms the positive impact yoga has on anxiety in patients after failed IVF.
Not only that but should you, your partner and your doctor decide on another cycle of IVF the calming influence of a regular yoga practice follows you into your next cycle. Yoga prepares you for your next cycle as well as pregnancy, birth and beyond.
Yoga and IVF and More
For more on yoga and IVF or any other questions and concerns about your fertility please contact LA IVF. We look forward to being your partners on the journey to parenthood.