Egg donation in Pasadena allows couples dealing with infertility an opportunity to conceive and carry a baby even though the female partner may not produce viable eggs herself. Many women want the experience of pregnancy, and delivering their child and egg donation allows for this. It’s often a confusing process for first-time parents, but we offer this guide to all you need to know about egg donation in Pasadena.
What Exactly is Egg Donation in Pasadena?
Egg donation occurs when a donor provides viable eggs for use in IVF so another may conceive. First time parents work with their fertility clinic or egg donor agency.
Donors are fully vetted meaning they’ve gone through background checks and medical and psychological evaluations. This ensures the process goes smoothly.
The first time parents review donor profiles with include medical history, physical traits ask characteristics as well as education, hobbies, profession and cultural background.
A donor may be anonymous or someone you know such as a friend or family member. Some parents wish for a biological connection and ask a female relative of the mother to act as egg donor. If you don’t know your donor and both parties agree you may opt to meet your donor.
Egg Donation and IVF
Egg doors go through the same process as females with viable eggs who undergo IVF. The donor undergoes ovarian stimulation, so they produce multiple eggs at one time. The doctor retrieves the eggs, and the lab fertilizes them using the male partner’s sperm. Once the embryologist deems the embryos healthy and viable the transfer takes place and the embryos implant in the mother’s uterus.
If the transfer is successful, the doctor confirms the pregnancy through a blood test about two weeks after the embryo transfer. At this point the mother continues with appointments which monitor the baby’s development.
In many cases, after the fertilization takes place and the embryos develop for a few days the parents may opt for preimplantation genetic testing or PGT. PGT examines cells from the embryo for chromosomal or genetic disorders which may result in birth defects, loss of the pregnancy or stillbirth. The procedure doesn’t harm the embryo and uses cells taken from the pre-placenta. PGT increases the odds for success and lowers the risk of miscarriage.
Candidates for Egg Donation in Pasadena
The recipient may be a woman with an ovulation disorder, someone who has received treatment for a condition that compromised their fertility or someone who wishes to avoid the risk of a passing on a genetic condition to their child. Single males or same-sex male couples also use donor eggs (along with a gestational carrier) as do those females of advanced maternal age.
Criteria for Choosing an Egg Donor
There are so many considerations when choosing your egg donor. Some of these factors may be personal preferences (a musician or a redhead or someone who resembles the parents) and other factors may weigh heavily in the success of the IVF cycle. Here are the main factors you should consider when choosing your egg donor:
- Age: The recommended age for an egg donor? Under 35, with the optimum age being between 21-30.
- Health: Females with a healthy ovarian reserve make the most desirable donors. Also, a donor with a healthy BMI (19-26) typically produces high quality eggs.
- Previous Healthy Pregnancy: While many donors are young doctors consider donors who’ve previously carried a pregnancy to term or those who’ve had a prior successful donor cycle the optimum donors.
What Are the Legal Considerations for Egg Donation in Pasadena
Egg donation in Pasadena and elsewhere throughout the country involves significant legal considerations. We’ve all seen, heard or read about situations that turn into heartbreak for the parents when the donor fails to legally relinquish their rights to the baby born from their donated egg. That’s why reputable clinics and agencies do all they can to determine the emotional and psychological stability of the donor. Beyond that, however, there are legal contracts that protect the parents from a heartbreaking scenario.
Contracts spell out the protections and specifics of:
- Parental rights and parental responsibilities
- Financial compensation for the donor
- Anonymity of donor
- Privacy of parents
- Any contact allowed
Make sure you speak with your clinic before beginning the egg donation process and ensure all of the legal considerations are in place.
The Emotional Considerations
The act of egg donation in Pasadena brings up a slew of emotions for both the donor and the recipients of the egg(s). Most clinics and agencies offer ongoing support for both in the form of counseling and therapy to help work through the complex emotions surrounding egg donation in Pasadena.
When You Need to Understand Egg Donation in Pasadena
Obviously, egg donation in Pasadena is a big decision. It’s imperative that you understand the key aspects of exactly what egg donation involves, including emotional and legal ramifications, before you begin the process. If you’re interested in using donor eggs for your IVF treatment please reach out to LA IVF. Our compassionate team cares about your parenthood journey. We strive to help our patients meet their goal of family and we honor your trust in us.
Please contact LA IVF to find out more about using donor eggs in Pasadena or any other treatment for infertility. We’re here for you.