Common Sperm Disorders that Cause Infertility
There are more than a few conditions which cause male infertility. Among them; hormonal imbalances, retrograde ejaculation (semen ejaculates into the bladder) and erectile dysfunction. But the most common cause of male factor infertility is a sperm disorder such as low sperm count, abnormal sperm, low motility (movement) and the absence of sperm. Here we […]
6 Tests to Diagnose Infertility in Men
When you’ve tried for twelve consecutive months to conceive and haven’t had success (or 6 months for women over 35) it’s time for an evaluation of your fertility. While some people still think of infertility as solely a women’s issue, male factor infertility is nearly as common as female factor infertility. Infertility impacts the lives […]
Male Infertility: Is Semen Analysis Enough?
When a couple suspects infertility they each go through some initial testing in a search for more information. Women usually start with a blood test assessing the hormone levels, and men undergo a semen analysis. But just what is a semen analysis, what does it assess and if there are issues, what comes next? Is […]
Sperm Testing Questions Answered
When a couple is trying to conceive (6 months or longer of intercourse without birth control + female age over 35) but not having any success it’s time to get tested. Both partners must be tested as infertility can be a combination of male and female factors. For women, depending in the symptoms, there are […]