If you’re like most people, you reel a bit after a diagnosis of infertility. But then you begin investigating your options. One of those options, IVF, isn’t for everyone and, depending on your diagnosis, may or may not address your needs. But, for many couples and individuals IVF offers a successful option to grow their family.
According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, 2.3% of all infants born in 2021 owe it all to advanced reproductive technology (ART). And 99% of ART is IVF. It is a safe procedure with a high rate of success depending on diagnosis.
Before You Explore IVF
Obviously the IVF process is not something you jump right into. There is a process that your doctor follows. As you explore your options, you should prepare yourself for IVF and review our checklist. Of course, our team is always available to answer any questions or concerns you may have. When you choose IVF you want to go into it prepared and educated and doing everything you can to help in a successful outcome. Do these seven things first.
1. Meet With A Fertility Clinic
Before you begin any fertility treatment your doctor runs some tests including a full physical exam. This alerts them to any underlying conditions or illnesses that may impair your ability to conceive. Your doctor measures your hormone levels and performs a vaginal ultrasound. They assess your ovarian reserve and make sure your eggs appear healthy. They also test for HIV and STDs. Your partner’s test provides information on sperm count, motility (movement) and morphology (shape). Depending on the findings your doctor apprises you of your treatment options. Be sure you cooperate fully with your doctor and neither you nor your partner hold anything back.
2. Take Care of Underlying Conditions
If you suffer from any underlying conditions your doctor performs additional tests related to that condition. This way they know how to proceed with treatment. Your condition may resolve with hormone therapy, medication or surgery.
3. Be Proactive About Your Health
This is something that’s totally in your hands. Before you begin IVF, or any fertility treatment it’s important you and your partner practice a very healthy lifestyle. For instance, your weight affects your fertility in many ways and, of course, may be a symptom of underlying conditions like PCOS. Strive for a healthy BMI. Approaching IVF with an unhealthy BMI puts you at increased risk for complications with the procedure and with your pregnancy.
Follow a healthy diet and incorporate movement into your day. Walking, bike riding, swimming and yoga offer wonderful benefits. And regular exercise helps combat stress, which also interferes with health.
We all enjoy our morning coffee and an afternoon pick-me-up latte or the like but, for IVF and pregnancy you should cut back. Begin weaning yourself now as you explore IVF. The same goes for alcohol consumption. If you drink alcohol, begin backing off now. And please, no smoking! Ask your doctor about any OTC medications you take regularly.
Your partner should follow the same path to excellent health. Sperm responds to toxins, stress, lifestyle and weight. In addition, the male partner may damage their sperm through overheating. Avoid too tight and constricting underwear and bicycle shorts, don’t stay too long in saunas or hot tubs and stay hydrated. Limit exposure to environmental toxins such as weed killer, bug bombs, fertilizers, carbon monoxide and second-hand smoke.
4. Supplement Your Fertility Now
The sooner you begin fertility supplements the better. There are specially formulated fertility vitamins for both males and females. These supplements impact reproductive health in females and males.
5. Track Your Menstrual Cycle
For females the key to fertility is your menstrual cycle. Be sure to note the date of your first day of menstrual flow. Invest in an ovulation kit so you know when you ovulate. For more exact information ask your doctor about fertility monitors. This computerized tool assesses your vaginal discharge, saliva, urine, and body temperature for a much more exact ovulation date.
Once you track for a few months, you’ll know if you have regular periods. This is typically an indication of normal ovulation. Share your tracking information with your doctor.
6. Discuss the Medication Requirements with Your Doctor
At the start of your IVF cycle, you’ll take medication in both pill and injection form. Depending upon your unique diagnosis, the medications vary. Discuss the medications with your doctor, so you’re prepared for any side effects.
7. Discuss IVF Clinic Appointments
In addition to your medication, your doctor monitors you throughout your cycle. That way they know the exact timing for egg retrieval. You’ll want a general idea of the appointments schedule so you can work your schedule around these very important appointments and avoid any conflicts.
Reach Out to LA IVF
If you’re ready to explore IVF contact the team at LA IVF today. We’ll help you decide on the best course of treatment to grow your family, and we’ll stay at your side for the journey.