Same-sex couples, transgender or non-binary individuals and their partners, and other nontraditional unions face specific dilemmas when choosing their path to parenthood. To grow their family, a significant number of members of the LGBTQ+ community turn to fertility doctors as a valuable resource.
Fertility treatments for LGBTQ+ couples who desire a family of their own rise in popularity as well as accessibility very frequently. You’ll find today’s options in Pasadena and surrounding areas open to all unique circumstances and specifically tailored to your circumstances. Here are some of the ways we can help LGBTQ+ couples and individuals realize their dream of having a child.
Same-Sex Male Couples
For same-sex male couples, having a child means finding someone to donate their egg and someone else to act as a genetic carrier or offer the use of their uterus. You begin by selecting an egg donor. This may be someone related to the partner who isn’t providing the sperm, such as a sister or cousin, to maintain a biological connection or an anonymous donor you select through an agency.
Once you find a donor, they begin the process of donation through hormone treatment that helps mature multiple eggs. Then, they harvest those eggs before IVF.
Your genetic carrier may be someone you know, such as a friend or family member, or you may select them from an agency that specializes in genetic surrogates. For legal reasons, you don’t want the egg donor to act as the genetic carrier. They should be two different people.
Your doctor harvests the eggs and then transfers them to the lab where an embryologist fertilizes them using the sperm of the partner on whom you’ve decided. The embryos develop in the lab, under the watchful eye of an embryologist. Before implantation, you may decide on preimplantation genetic testing or PGT. This helps ensure a healthy baby. The lab tests for specific genetic or chromosomal abnormalities that may result in miscarriage, stillbirth, or severe birth defects.
When the results are in, your doctor implants the chosen embryo(s) into your genetic carrier. If the pregnancy progresses healthily your child should be born without any complications.
Treatments for Same-Sex Female Couples
There are three ways in which a same-sex female couple can grow their family. Depending on the health of the female who opts to carry the pregnancy may occur via the following:
- IUI: Intrauterine Insemination, or IUI, uses sperm from an anonymous donor from a sperm bank or a known donor. Much like egg donors, you may opt for the sperm of someone biologically related to the non-egg-donating partner if you wish for a biological connection. Your doctor introduces the sperm directly into the chosen partner’s uterus for conception.
- IVF: You choose which partner’s egg you’ll use. That partner goes through the process of maturing several eggs at one time via hormonal medications. When the doctor retrieves the eggs they go to the lab for fertilization with sperm from a known donor or sperm bank. Once fertilization occurs the embryos develop. Should you choose preimplantation genetic testing your doctor will implant the healthy embryos after your results are in.
- Reciprocal IVF: This process takes place exactly as the IVF above. However, one partner donates the egg, and the other carries the pregnancy. That way, everyone remains involved throughout the entire process.
Transgender Individuals
For those transgender individuals, there are a few options you may consider. First, before any gender-affirming surgery or hormone therapy, trans females may freeze their sperm. Transgender males who know they want a biological child one day may freeze their eggs before hormones or surgery. Once you preserve your fertility, you’ll have the peace of mind of knowing you can have your child one day.
IUI and IVF are the path to parenthood for transgendered people. Using donor sperm or eggs, you maintain the ability to have a child with your partner or as a single parent. If you don’t have a uterus, you will need a gestational carrier.
Non-Binary Individuals
Depending on the level of treatment received, anatomy, and that of your partner you may opt for any of the above-mentioned treatments to realize your goals for growing a family. Wherever you are in your transition, therapy, or journey we recommend you consult with a fertility specialist as your path is uniquely your own.
Keep This in Mind When You Choose Your Surrogate or Donor
Before pursuing egg or sperm donation or finding a gestational carrier you must check the laws in your area. Surrogacy laws, especially, vary from state to state. Meeting with an attorney specializing in surrogacy and reproduction law just makes good sense. For your protection, your future child’s protection, and the safety of all involved.
Fertility Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated
No matter what your life’s path, fertility shouldn’t complicate your journey. Please reach out to LA IVF if you’re in Pasadena, San Marino, Altadena, Madison Heights, and surrounding areas, and let us help you realize your goal of growing your family.