We frequently treat patients who are either out of state or country at our IVF centers. We are very accustomed to working closely with these couples/patients so that in spite of distance, we are able to provide them with optimal treatment. We achieve this through a system that involves working closely with the couple/patient’s local primary Ob/Gyn or the infertility specialist who performs all required pre-testing and in so doing assumes in essence the role of an adjunct team member. This enables our out of town patients to safely plan on arriving for treatment at our center, on a date accurately determined well in advance, thereby allowing for travel and accommodation arrangements to be made (with our assistance), long in advance of the treatment with us. It also limits the period of time spent in Los Angeles, where blood and ultrasound monitoring is conducted, the egg retrieval and embryo transfer are performed. The couple/patient(s) then returns home and back into the care of the primary physician. We maintain contact with the primary physician until the conclusion of the 12th week of pregnancy and manage each case ourselves. By doing so, we are able to follow patients who are far away during the first trimester of their pregnancy.
Our professional fees are the same for out of town and country patients including telephone consultations and follow up calls (scheduled or unscheduled). Moreover, such couples/patients are each assigned a specific clinical coordinator for the entire course of treatment. Both the clinical coordinator and the Dr. Bayrak maintain regular telephone and email contact with their patients by way of scheduled and unscheduled consultations.