Luxury Lifestyles & Luxury Fertility Solutions: Beverly Hills IVF

When you maintain a luxury lifestyle, you’re used to a higher standard of comfort. That applies to your fertility solutions as well. Luxury fertility solutions include such extras as personalized treatment plans, the ultimate in discretion and elevated attention to every detail which applies to every option available. And you expect nothing less for your […]
Grow Your Burbank Family with IVF: Knowing Your Local Options
Some couples experience no trouble at all conceiving a baby and then there are some for whom conception just doesn’t happen naturally. Infertility is one of the bigger hurdles you’ll encounter on your path to parenthood but thanks to today’s advancements in reproductive medicine it doesn’t mean the end of your dreams. In fact, you […]
Could My Male Factor Infertility be Genetic?
Trying to conceive is a lot harder than it seems sometimes. Although the human race continues, it’s surprising how many things have to go right in order to become pregnant. One of the roadblocks to conception is male factor infertility. When your male partner’s sperm count is low, motility is off or there’s something not […]
What are the New Trends in Fertility Treatment?
Some trends in fertility treatment gaining in popularity today rose out of months-long isolation and the tendency toward introspection. More couples are opting to put off pregnancy until realizing certain life goals. Single women who want children but haven’t found the right partner are deciding to pursue motherhood on their own. New treatment options for […]
Who Carries the Child in a Same-Sex Female Couple?
Every prospective parent faces a barrage of questions and concerns. When do we start trying? What will we name the baby? How do we make sure we’re ready? Can we afford a child? It’s only natural to experience concerns such as these and more. However, a same-sex female couple faces a unique question; who carries […]
What’s The Best Type of Sperm Donor Arrangement for You?
When you’re trying to conceive and need a sperm donor it can be hard to know just where to begin. Should you ask someone you know? Someone with a genetic tie to your partner? Or should you use an anonymous donor who has many of the traits you would like for your future child? There […]