IVF Babies: Birth Week, Health Tips & the Process Explained

Pregnancies conceived through IVF carry a slightly higher-than-average risk for birth before 40 weeks, the normal gestation term. Babies born before 37 weeks are preterm, but not necessarily premature. Most of the brain and lung development occurs rapidly toward the end of gestation. Doctors monitor babies’ development and tend toward early, but safe delivery for […]
How to Cope with Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Losing a pregnancy is devastating to the parent or parents to be. If you’ve been through it once you understand the sadness and emptiness that accompanies a miscarriage. But when you’ve experienced two or more miscarriages the hopelessness that accompanies the devastation and heartbreak is almost unbearable. About 20% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. […]
How PCOS Affects Fertility Treatment
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that impacts the lives of approximately 8%-13% of females of reproductive age. Many more females remain undiagnosed. Although much is unknown regarding PCOS there are certain symptoms those who suffer have in common. What Causes PCOS? Doctors currently cannot identify an exact cause for PCOS. Because […]
IVF and Hypertension During Pregnancy: What are the Risks?
In recent years, doctors noticed an uptick in cases of hypertension during pregnancy that followed IVF. As the number of those who take advantage of assisted reproductive technology goes up, so do the cases of hypertension in pregnancy for those patients. Is there a connection? What risk does IVF pose to hypertension during pregnancy and […]
How Does Perimenopause Affect Fertility
A woman’s biology, in particular her reproductive biology, is complex and often riddled with misunderstanding. The transition to menopause is one area, in particular, where confusion seems to reign. While technically menopause occurs when a woman goes 12 consecutive months without a period, there is an extent of time, from two to twelve years prior […]
What Exactly is A Geriatric Pregnancy?
The term “Geriatric Pregnancy” conjures images of much older women and their burgeoning bumps. A late-in-life pregnancy perhaps, or something of biblical reference comes to mind. But the truth is the medical arena uses geriatric pregnancy to reference those who are pregnant and over the age of 35. The term is interchangeable with the less […]
8 Ways to Keep Active Throughout IVF
Going through fertility treatment is a wild ride of emotions. One day you’re upbeat and filled with hope and the next you feel as though a dark cloud looms over your head. These are normal feelings and you should expect them all along your journey. 8 Healthy Activities For Body and Mind Keeping your […]
5 Stretches All Pregnant Mothers Should Be Doing
Pregnancy takes a toll on your body, no doubt. Sciatica and back pain are extremely common at this time. Staying limber helps alleviate the pain and lowers risks for injury. One of the best and easiest ways to stay limber is by stretching. And, as a bonus, stretching your muscles, tendons and ligaments provides relief […]
Exercise, Mental Health and Pregnancy: What You Need to Know
Regular physical activity is one of the best ways to banish the blues, feel energized and relieve stress. No matter your fitness level or your skill set a quick 30-minute workout improves your mood and your quality of life. When you’re pregnant a daily fitness break becomes more crucial to your physical and mental wellbeing. […]
These 6 Exercises Will Help You Keep in Shape During Pregnancy
Congratulations! You’re pregnant! The good news is your baby is growing inside your uterus and no amount of normal exercise is going to change that. In fact, especially for those who have a practice of regular exercise, be it running, yoga, biking, swimming or even strength training, maintaining your regular workouts for the duration of […]