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Category: Menstrual Cycle

8 FAQs About Calculating Fertility Days with Your Cycle, Answered

Calculating your fertile window isn’t difficult, providing you have a regular cycle. The fertile window consists of those days in a female menstrual cycle when there’s a possibility for conception. That window includes the day of ovulation and the five days preceding. When you have unprotected intercourse in that window you have the best odds […]

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Learn How to Use a Fertility Calculator

Fertility and conception rely on timing. For those females with regular or “normal” menstrual cycles, ovulation typically occurs mid-cycle. For example, if there are 30 days between periods,  you may estimate ovulation at 16 days after the start of your period. A 28 day cycle may indicate ovulation occurs at 14 days, and so on. […]

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What Is a “Normal” Menstrual Cycle and How Does it Impact my Fertility?

Some people have a menstrual cycle you could set your clock by. Every 28 days they know, without a doubt, it’s period time. Others have a vaguer notion of when to buy tampons. It might be four weeks or it might be five weeks. Both of those people experience a “normal” menstrual cycle. But what […]

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