I’m Vaccinated and Starting IVF-Should I Get the Covid-19 Booster?
There’s so much information (and misinformation) surrounding Covid-19, the vaccines and boosters and the average person is easily confused. For people considering or already undergoing, treatment for infertility, who obtained the vaccine but not the booster shot, avoiding the booster shot may seem prudent right now. Of course it is ultimately up to you to […]
My Rapid Test for Covid Came Back Positive. What’s Next?
Covid testing is all over the news these days. As the Omicron and Delta variants of the virus continue to rise infecting people in record numbers obtaining a test is more difficult. Moreover, there are different types of testing available and deciding which one is right for you can be confusing. Understanding the different types […]
The Truth About Covid Vaccines and Preterm Delivery
It’s no surprise that pregnant women focus on the health and wellness of their unborn children, first and foremost. However, your baby’s health is dependent on your own to a large degree. That’s why it’s very concerning to the medical community that statistics show only about a third of pregnant women in the US are […]
Can I Get Covid Vaccine During Pregnancy?
As we’ve all heard by now COVID-19 takes a far greater toll on pregnant people than of people the same age who are not pregnant. Pregnancy lowers your body’s immune response and for those who contact the COVID virus during pregnancy the odds are much greater for hospitalization, ICU, intubation and death. And, according to […]
Will COVID Affect My Baby if I Am Not Vaccinated?
With all of the changing information regarding COVID-19 and its variants the CDC and physicians continue to stand firm in their recommendation that pregnant people obtain the vaccine. The CDC strongly encourages the COVID-19 vaccination for all people 12 years and older, including people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to get pregnant now or might become […]