5 Uterine Conditions That Commonly Result in Infertility

A functioning uterus supports and sustains pregnancy by protecting the developing fetus for the duration of your pregnancy. In order for things to go smoothly it’s necessary that you have a normal uterine cavity with a healthy lining. Uterine conditions that result in infertility vary from uterine factor infertility (UFI) due to the absence of […]
Blocked Fallopian Tubes? Tubal Surgery May be The Answer
When you experience infertility, you want to know why. There are many factors affecting fertility, both male and female. There are just as many ways to overcome a diagnosis of infertility, depending on the root cause. For tubal factor infertility the cause most often relates to a blockage in the fallopian tube preventing the egg […]
Infertility in Females: 5 Possible Causes
It’s difficult to diagnose the causes of infertility in females as more often than not it relates to an underlying condition. Sometimes the odds improve when your doctor diagnoses and treats the underlying condition. Many times, medical intervention and assisted reproductive technology help couples achieve their goal of growing their family. 5 Possible Causes […]
Blocked Fallopian Tubes: What Can Be Done?
The fallopian tubes are part of a woman’s reproductive system and connect the ovaries with the uterus. Each month, typically mid-cycle, one of your ovaries releases an egg during ovulation. The egg travels through the fallopian tube and into the uterus. If fertilization doesn’t occur then the egg sheds along with the lining of the […]