What Can You Learn with PGT Preimplantation Genetic Testing?
Preimplantation genetic testing boosts your odds of successful conception and pregnancy when used in conjunction with IVF. Once the lab fertilizes your eggs with your partner’s sperm, your embryos develop. A few days after fertilization, at what’s known as the blastocyst stage, the embryos develop two sets of cells. One is the pre-placental cells or […]
Choosing the Right Fertility Clinic in Glendale: 5 Factors to Consider
Once you and your partner decide to consult a fertility clinic, the next step is finding the right clinic for you. Many reputable clinics exist but like any medical clinic, you’ll be far better if it’s a clinic that matches your needs. Choosing the right fertility clinic in Glendale depends on certain key factors. 5 […]
Is Freezing Eggs the Right Choice for You? Insights from Fertility Experts in Beverly Hills
Freezing your eggs is a personal choice that many females in Beverly Hills make every day. There are several reasons for freezing eggs that remain instrumental in making that decision. Here we offer insights from fertility experts in Beverly Hills that may help you make your choice. Who Opts for Freezing Eggs in Beverly Hills? […]
What Foods Help in Your IVF Treatment
For those couples embarking on the journey through IVF, diet is as important as ever. The foods you eat create a nutritional foundation upon which all your bodily functions are built. Your diet factors in hormone production, semen production, your egg count, egg quality, the quality of your uterine lining, and a whole slew of […]
9 Things You Need to Do Before Starting IVF
A diagnosis of infertility can easily make you feel powerless. As your body is manipulated and probed, through tests and treatment, your focus becomes the end result; a healthy and successful pregnancy. The power is suddenly, seemingly, in the hands of advanced reproductive science. The truth is, even though fertility treatment is dependent, partially, on […]
Does Endometriosis Mean You’re Infertile
Roughly 5 million women in the United States suffer from a condition known as endometriosis. For some the symptoms are severe, causing crushing pain during your period, making intercourse very uncomfortable, and making you feel wiped out for most of the month. In other cases, about 20 percent, women present with no discernible, or uncomfortable, […]
7 Facts My Husband Needs to Know About Fertility Testing
If you suspect you are experiencing infertility in your quest to have a child, the best way to get the answers you need is through fertility testing. Infertility is identified as the inability to become pregnant after one year of carefully timed, unprotected intercourse. The duration of attempting to conceive for women over the age […]
5 Myths About IVF You Need to Be Aware Of
Advanced reproductive technology has come a long way in the more-than-40 years since the very first IVF baby was born. IVF is now one of the most successful ways for those who struggle with fertility to realize their dream of conceiving a child. Due to the success of IVF, it has become extremely popular with […]
6 Issues That Cause Infertility
Depending on reproductive age, 10-40 percent of women in the US have difficulty getting-and staying-pregnant. Infertility is described as the inability to conceive after 12 months of unprotected intercourse for women less than age 35, and 6 months for those women over 35. The good news is that a growing number of women are able […]
8 Foods That Can Help Increase Your Partner’s Sperm Count
The average ejaculation introduces 50 million sperm into your vagina. Of those millions only a few thousand make it into the fallopian tube. Those few hundred release an enzyme that clears the way for one sperm to swim all the way up the tube and fertilize the waiting egg. The fertilized egg then makes its […]