It’s been said that IVF is a marathon and not a sprint. Sprints rely on quick bursts of energy and thought and are over in seconds. A marathon, on the other hand, is long, arduous and calls on a lot more inner reserve, both physically and mentally. You may think you can’t go on, but then you dig deep and find the drive to push yourself further, eyes on the prize.
Like a marathon, IVF requires some preparation both mentally and physically. You’ll have moments of joy and moments of frustration. That means you and your partner must pace yourselves. There are many hills which will challenge you but you must keep your energy, patience, commitment and passion in reserve for all the miles ahead. Here are our top tips to help you prepare mentally and physically for your IVF journey.
9 Tips to Prepare Mentally and Physically for IVF
The IVF journey can be stressful at times. That’s why it’s so important to remain healthy in body, mind and spirit. Experts agree the following tips best prepare you mentally and physically for the road ahead.
1. Manage Your Stress in Healthy Ways
In the past maybe your answer to a very stressful day called for a glass of wine or a hot fudge sundae. While those may assuage any bad day at the office, we suggest you turn to healthier stress management. When juggling doctor appointments, work, social life and all of the other tasks you face become too much try scheduling a completely chill day. No commitments, no to-do list. Take a walk in nature, go to a favorite escape (the beach, the zoo, a long drive with your partner) and let go. Binge some comedies on your favorite streaming channel. Get a couple’s massage or a pedicure. Do something that brings you joy and helps you manage IVF anxiety.
2. Modify Your Diet as Necessary
There’s already proof that a healthy IVF diet goes a long way toward preparing your body for the marathon journey ahead. Choose lean organic proteins, plenty of fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, healthy nuts and the occasional dark chocolate. Make a practice of avoiding processed foods and fast food eateries. Your body will thank you!
3. Incorporate Movement
You may already have a fitness routine and as long as your doctor approves continue with your preferred form of movement. If not, or if your doctor wants you to pull back (some exercises increase a risk for ovarian torsion) incorporate some walking into each day. Walking helps as an aerobic activity and as a bonus relieves stress.
4. Remove Excess From Your World
Have you ever noticed how great you feel when your counters are free from stacks of mail, books, catalogs and things you seldom use? Or how nice it is to locate clothes in your closet, shoes, jewelry? Or those seldom-used impulse purchases you made in the spur of the moment? There are so many worthy organizations that would love your gently (or never) used castoffs. And studies show there are so many mental health benefits to decluttering your home.
5. Stay in The Know
As you journey through IVF there are plenty of unknowns. With so much going on you might feel a bit overlooked or disconnected from the process. Of course, our team at LA IVF stands ready to answer any questions you may have or concerns that bother you. Many books exist on the subject and there are online sites that offer plenty of insight. Please make sure they are reputable. Such sites as resolve.org, sart.org and reproductivefacts.org offer information supported by science and medically sound.
6. Start a Journal
One of the best things you can do is journal your way through your journey. Incorporate gratitude into your daily journal and you’ll experience much less stress and anxiety. Write down those things that create anxiety and get them out of your head. Journaling in general is a great practice. It helps manage stress and provides insight. Its also a wonderful way to reflect back on important chapters and journeys in your life.
7. Incorporate Relaxation
As we’ve already stated, IVF is stressful for many and induces anxiety at some point of the journey. Find a relaxation technique that calms you. Try breathwork, meditation, prayer, massage, aromatherapy, acupuncture and talking to a professional. Just make sure anything you try is doctor-approved.
8. Join a Support Group
Some couples find a support group that eases their anxiety and helps them on the journey. Let’s face it, although they care deeply, talking with family and friends doesn’t always provide the support you need as most likely they haven’t experienced IVF firsthand. Discussing your fears, anxieties and excitement with a community of those who share your feelings gives the opportunity for connection and support.
9. Find the Right Team
Choosing the right team of IVF professionals is the best way to prepare mentally and physically for the journey. We’re running right by your side on this marathon and coaching you along the way. Contact LA IVF and schedule a consultation.