If you’re just beginning the process of finding the right Santa Monica IVF provider you need to find the clinic that meets all your needs. Journeying through treatment for infertility is an intimate time. You and your partner are vulnerable right now. Finding the Santa Monica IVF provider for your successful path to parenthood means placing your faith in someone you don’t even know. Because of this it’s important you ask the right questions that help you make your decision before you begin this epic, life changing journey.
11 Questions to Ask Your Santa Monica IVF Provider
Just what questions should you ask so you and your partner make an educated and informed decision? Here we offer 11 questions you should ask your Santa Monica IVF provider before you start on your journey of a lifetime.
1. I’ve been Diagnosed with Unexplained Infertility. Can we Run More Tests?
Depending on the diagnostic tests used to arrive at your diagnosis your provider may run tests on both male and female partners. Infertility mind one in five cases of infertility remains unexplained even after extensive testing. Even though a diagnosis of unexplained infertility is frustrating there are treatments. IVF is a proven treatment with a high rate of success for those diagnosed with unexplained infertility.
2. We Know What’s Causing My Infertility. Can I Wait and See if It Improves?
Obviously the reason behind your fertility issues helps your Santa Monica Provider plan their course of treatment. In most cases, such as diminished ovarian reserve, endometriosis, advanced maternal age, for example, waiting isn’t advisable. If you have scar tissue on your fallopian tubes or uterine abnormalities allow time for a surgical procedure. Hormonal imbalances such as those caused by auto-immune disorders may improve with medication. You and your provider determine together the best course of action and how soon to begin treatment.
3. Are There Other Treatment Options to Try Before IVF?
Again, depending on your diagnosis your Santa Monica provider may suggest beginning with another course of treatment prior to IVF. However, in many cases IVF offers the greatest odds for success.
4. What is Your Santa Monica Clinic’s Success Rate Relevant to My Diagnosis?
Factors such as the age of the patient and diagnosis weigh heavily on success rates. Your success depends on many additional factors such as your overall health, lifestyle and physical condition. However, you may ask the provider about successful pregnancy and live birth rates for those matching your specific profile.
5. Will Someone Be Available to Answer My Questions and Concerns?
The minute you realize you’re pregnant every twinge and every unusual feeling fills you with dread. You want a clinic that provides support and answers your questions as soon as possible. Peace of mind means everything at this time. Make sure your Santa Monica IVF provider has staff available to ensure support when you need it most, including after hours and on weekends.
6. How Often Will I Receive Updates?
Depending on your diagnosis and course of treatment, your clinic may reach out regularly, especially after egg retrieval. If you feel better peace of mind receiving regular updates ask if that’s something they do.
7. Do You Have Weekend and Evening Hours?
It’s important you clarify availability right away. Some Santa Monica IVF providers offer weekend and evening appointments for patients with typically tight schedules.
8. What Medications Do You Use?
Ask your Santa Monica IVF provider what medications they deem necessary to your treatment. Some clinics offer minimal stimulation IVF, depending on your diagnosis. Ask your provider which medications they typically use, how they administer the meds and for how long. Remember reproductive science designed the medication to increase your odds for conception.
9. How Many Embryos Do You Typically Transfer?
The number of embryos your Santa Monica provider transfers during IVF depends largely on your age and your diagnosis. While multiple embryo transfer may increase some patient’s odds for success transferring a single embryo is far safer for both mother and baby.
10. Do You Routinely Recommend Preimplantation Genetic Testing Prior to Implantation with IVF?
Prior to implantation you have an option for testing your embryos for certain genetic conditions. Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) tests for conditions that cause birth defects and may increase the odds for a miscarriage or stillbirth. Obviously you and your partner choose whether or not testing happens. Those who opt for PGT typically have prior knowledge of a genetically inherited disease, have a history of multiple miscarriages due to chromosomal abnormalities or have an increased risk for chromosomal abnormalities due to advanced maternal age (over 35).
11. How Many Cycles of IVF Should We Expect?
Successful IVF relies on many factors. That being stated you and your doctor, based on certain criteria, may determine the number of cycles with which you feel comfortable. IVF taxes your emotions, your body and your budget. Beginning with boundaries and expectations in place helps you stay grounded. Should IVF fail your Santa Monica IVF provider has other options for you.
Finding the Right Clinic for IVF Success in Santa Monica
Treatment for infertility is overwhelming at best. You’re hit with a lot ion information at one time, and you need time to digest all you’ve learned. Your IVF success depends largely on the Santa Monica IVF provider you choose. You’ll journey together on your path to parenthood and trust is key.
Make sure you ask the right questions of your Santa Monica IVF provider and clinic. Trust your gut instinct and how they make you feel. The IVF journey is stressful, and having a provider in whom you believe really does make a difference.
At LA IVF we know your goal of becoming parents is your main focus. It’s ours too. We value the trust you place in our Santa Monica IVF clinic and honor that trust. Schedule a consultation today and find out why we are the best IVF provider in Santa Monica.