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LA IVF Clinic specializes in IVF treatment and has the top IVF doctors and board-certified fertility specialists in the Los Angeles area. If you are considering In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), please contact us today for a free consultation. We have locations in West Los Angeles, Pasadena, San Diego, and Chino Hills. We look forward to helping you in your IVF Journey!

Schedule Your IVF Consultation

IVF Doctors & Fertility Specialists in Los Angeles

In vitro fertilization (IVF) was introduced in the late 1970s and the technology has evolved significantly over the last thirty years. IVF is the fertilization of the egg with the sperm in the laboratory. It has a wide range of applications including severe male factor, low egg reserve, blocked fallopian tubes, history of genetic diseases in parents necessitating the testing of embryos and unexplained infertility.

Assisted hatching is a technique to improve implantation and pregnancy rates following IVF. When there is little or no sperm in the ejaculate, Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) can be performed to accomplish fertilization. Patients with Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) are often treated with IVF drugs.

Click here to learn how IVF Treatment works.

Why Choose LA IVF Clinic

Compassionate and sensitive approach to each individual case: Customized IVF protocols to optimize egg growth for individual needs.

20 years of experience in In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and embryo transfer.

“Same Doctor Approach”: You will see the same doctor  every time you are in the office which provides better continuity of care and less interruption during your treatment compared to seeing “the doctor of the day” throughout the treatment.

How do we start the process?

  1. Consultation scheduling: An in-person, telephone, video or Zoom consultation is scheduled on the same day as we receive the consultation request if the request comes during the weekdays. If the patient requests an appointment over the weekend or a on holiday those appointments are scheduled on the next business day.  Consultations take 40-60 minutes. Just call 310-286-2800 for scheduling.
  2. Meeting with Dr. Bayrak for the initial consultation. Consultations take 40-60 minutes.
  3. Next  step is to schedule male and female work-up.
  4. Male work up: A semen analysis (collection of the sperm) ,infectious disease and carrier screening tests through blood drawing. This can be done any day/time the day of the consultation or later. For semen analysis, patients need to abstain for any ejaculation or intercourse for 2-10 days.
  5. Female work up: When the period starts, a call to the office will allow you to schedule a time to see the doctor. If you have irregular periods, just call right after the consultation to schedule it. If you are in the office for your consultation, we can perform the ultrasound right away. In our first visit to the office after your period starts you will be scheduled for the following tests:
    1. A vaginal ultrasound is performed to document your ovarian reserve and any issues that may be present in your pelvis.
    2. A blood test is completed right after the ultrasound.
  6. An x-ray test called the hysterosalpingogram (HSG) will be done right after your period ends and before the 11th day of your cycle. For example, if your periods are 5 days, the test is done on days 6-10 of your cycle, inclusive of these days.
  7. One week after the HSG test, all of your tests including the x-ray will be back. At this time your precycle lab tests are completed which will allow Dr. Bayrak to review all the findings and determine a treatment plan. The following week we will have a follow-up appointment to discuss the findings and Dr. Bayrak will explain the treatment details with you. This time will coincide one week prior to  getting your next period.
  8. If you have any questions about insurance, cost of the IVF plans, these will be discussed and reviewed with you by our finance manager at any time. Your pricing agreement will be sent to you via email and you can always call the office if  you have any specific questions you need to discuss in person.
  9. You’ll have time to decide for a week and after a week you’ll get your next period and be ready to proceed with the treatment.
  10. Dr. Bayrak is always available to his patients with any medical questions they may have as they go through these steps via email or by requesting an additional follow-up appointment.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) FAQ's

May I exercise when I am going through egg freezing or IVF treatments?
You have to limit the level of exercise when you are going through IVF or egg freezing.

I have a few failed IVF treatments. I developed some embryos but all of them were abnormal after they have been genetically tested. Do I still have a chance to conceive with my own eggs?
Yes. You still have a chance of developing normal embryos. Every cycle is different. You develop a new set of eggs in each cycle. Thus, you have a chance to have healthy eggs/embryos in each cycle since their genetic makeup is different.

Do I need to have an IUI or IVF?
That depends on your age, egg reserve, sperm quality/quantity and the fact that the tubes are open or not. Generally, above the age of 38 IUI results in low pregnancy rates.

I am premenopausal. Can I still get pregnant?
If you are pre-menopausal, your chances of conception with your own eggs are low. A detailed evaluation is recommended for patient in that scenario.

I am menopausal. Can I still get pregnant?
Yes, you can carry a pregnancy using a donated egg or embryo. We need to prepare your body for the pregnancy by hormone treatment.

TEL: 310-286-2800 | FAX: 310-691-1116